
admin 2023-05-18 阅读:86 评论:0
Day 1: Explore the Bund and Yu Garden Shanghai’s most iconic site is the Bund, a waterfront promenade that showcases th...

Day 1: Explore the Bund and Yu Garden

Shanghai’s most iconic site is the Bund, a waterfront promenade that showcases the city’s historic architecture and modern skyline. Take a stroll along the Bund and take in the sweeping views of the Huangpu River and the towering skyscrapers of Pudong. Be sure to snap a photo in front of the Shanghai World Financial Center, China’s tallest building.

Next, head to Yu Garden, a traditional Chinese garden dating back to the Ming Dynasty. The garden is filled with winding paths, rock formations, and stunning architecture. Don’t miss the Jade Rock, a massive boulder with over 70 holes carved into it.


Day 2: Indulge in Shanghai’s Culinary Scene

No trip to Shanghai is complete without indulging in its world-famous cuisine. Start your day with steaming hot xiaolongbao, a type of soup dumpling that originated in Shanghai. Head to one of the city’s famous food streets, like Xintiandi or Tianzifang, to explore the local street food scene. Be sure to try Shengjianbao, a crispy pan-fried bun filled with pork and soup.

For dinner, treat yourself to some of the city’s fine dining options. Shanghai has a thriving culinary scene, ranging from traditional Chinese dishes to international cuisine. Michelin-starred restaurants like Fu He Hui and Ultraviolet offer unforgettable dining experiences.

Day 3: Immerse Yourself in Shanghai’s Art and Culture

Shanghai is home to numerous museums and galleries that showcase the city’s rich history and vibrant art scene. Start your day at the Shanghai Museum, which houses over 120,000 pieces of ancient Chinese art and artifacts. The museum’s renowned collection includes bronze vessels, pottery, and jade sculptures.

Next, head to M50, a contemporary art district that’s home to over 100 galleries and studios. The district is located in a former textile factory and showcases cutting-edge works by emerging artists. Don’t miss the Shanghai Center of Photography, which hosts rotating exhibitions of photography from around the world.

End your day with a visit to the Shanghai Grand Theatre, a stunning performance venue that’s home to the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and the Shanghai Ballet. Catch a live performance of Chinese opera, ballet, or classical music for a truly immersive cultural experience.





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