
admin 2023-04-30 阅读:122 评论:0
Day 1: Exploring Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is undoubtedly the most famous attra...

Day 1: Exploring Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is undoubtedly the most famous attraction in this city. The park is located in the Wulingyuan Scenic Area, and is home to stunning natural wonders such as the pillar-like formations known as the Avatar Hallelujah Mountains. To make the most of your first day in Zhangjiajie, it's best to head straight to the park in the morning. The park can get crowded, so it's recommended to arrive early to avoid the queues.

Day 2: Tianmen Mountain and the Glass Skywalk

On the second day of your trip, head to Tianmen Mountain, located just over 8 km from Zhangjiajie city center. Tianmen Mountain is famous for its stunning views and thrilling activities, including the world's longest cable car ride and the impressive Glass Skywalk, which hangs 1,400 meters above the ground. Be sure to arrive early to beat the crowds and make the most of your day in this incredible natural wonder.


Day 3: Baofeng Lake and Huangshizhai

On your final day, it's time to explore some of Zhangjiajie's hidden gems. Start the day with a trip to Baofeng Lake, located in the foothills of the Suoxiyu Natural Resource Reserve. The lake is famed for its pristine blue waters and picturesque scenery, with the surrounding peaks providing a stunning backdrop. After lunch, head to Huangshizhai, a unique hiking trail that offers panoramic views of the park from above. The trail takes around 2 hours to complete and offers an elevated perspective of the natural wonders that make Zhangjiajie famous.

In conclusion, exploring Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianmen Mountain, Baofeng Lake, and Huangshizhai is the best way to make the most of a three-day trip to this stunning city. With so much natural beauty to explore, it's impossible to fit everything into just three days, but this itinerary provides a great introduction to some of the must-see attractions. Just remember to pack comfortable shoes and clothes, and don't forget your camera!





上一篇:福建旅游 下一篇:冬天的穿搭风格
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